Requirements for obtain the IYSA International Certificate for Operators of Pleasure Craft
List of Requirements for obtain the IYSA International Certificate for Operators of Pleasure Craft
Guide to the obtain IYSA International Certificate for Operators of Pleasure Craft
The International Certificate for Operators of Pleasure Craft was established under resolution No. 40 of the Working Party on Inland Water Transport for the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe.
The certificate provides boat owners and people wishing to charter boats with an internationally recognised document certifying their competence to skipper a boat for recreational use.
Method for applying for The International Guide to the International Certificate for Operators of Plesure Craft:
Certificates will only be issued to:
- Persons who have demonstrated competence to skipper a boat either through:
- Holding a certificate of issued by any national or international certification agency who use training programs follow the resolution No. 40 of the Working Party on Inland Water Transport for the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe and passing the practical test of the boat handling skills, OR
- Successfully completing the IYSA courses, passing the theory exam and demonstrating boat handling skills on the practical test
- Persons over the age of 16 years.
- Persons who have demonstrated that they are physically and mentally fit to operate a pleasure craft.
Type of Craft
The ICC details the type of craft for which the certificate is issued as either sail or motor. Certificates are marked and issued according to the type of craft for which the applicant holds an IYSA certificate of competency or in which the direct assessment was conducted. In addition where an applicant has demonstrated the required degree of competency in:
- a sailing boat with auxiliary motor or,
- both sailing boat and motor boats, their certificate may be marked for both sail and motor.
In all cases the certificate is valid for recreational use on vessels up to 80 gross tonnes or 24 meters in length.
Types of Water
The IYSA specifies the type of water the certificate may be used on as either inland or coastal.
- Coastal certificates will be issued to candidates who have demonstrated an appropriate knowledge of the International Regulations for the Prevention of Collisions at Sea (IRPCS).
- Inland certificates will be issued to candidates who have demonstrated an appropriate knowledge of the Code Européen des Voies de la Navigation Interieure (CEVNI).
Candidates able to demonstrate an appropriate knowledge in both the IRPCS and CEVNI may be issued with a certificate valid for both inland and coastal waters.
Applicants holding IYSA certificates of competency are deemed to have the required knowledge. Otherwise methods of assessment for appropriate knowledge of the IRPCS and CEVNI are laid out elsewhere in this guide.
There is a fee for the issue, renewal or update of the IYSA. These fees are detailed on the application form and are payable upon submission of the form.
Period of Validity
The IYSA certificates is valid for a period with no limitation years from date of issue.
Withdrawal of certification
The IYSA may withdraw certification from a person where that person’s conduct is deemed to have brought the certificate into disrepute. Such cases will be submitted to the ISA Tribunal for adjudication. Details of the terms of reference and operating procedure for the IYSA Tribunal are available separately.
Details of IYSA Assessments
Direct assessment for coastal endorsement
The following test applies only to people who wish to obtain an IYSA for coastal use and who either;
- Do not hold one of the IYSA certificates of competency
- Hold the IYSA Yacht Sail Crew Certificate.
A person must:
- Be able to identify the navigation lights and shapes to be shown on their own vessel.
- Be able to identify the following from the lights displayed at night:
- power driven vessel, sailing vessel, vessel at anchor, tug and tow, vessel trawling, vessel fishing (not trawling), vessel restricted in its ability to manoeuver, vessel aground.
- Be able to identify the following from the shapes displayed during the day:
- Vessel at anchor, tug and tow, vessel trawling / fishing, vessel restricted in its ability to manoeuver, vessel aground.
- Be able to identify the following from sound signals used in restricted visibility:
- Power vessel underway, power vessel making way, sailing vessel underway, vessel at anchor, vessel restricted in its ability to manoeuver.
- Be able to identify, by day and by night, and describe the significance of, the bouys of the IALA system.
- Be able to identify on a chart, and describe the operation of, traffic seperation schemes.
- Be able to describe what information should be obtained prior to entering or leaving a port and where this information may be obtained.
- Be able to identify on a chart, and describe the significance of, charted depths, drying heights, and other common navigation features and hazards.
- When given two or more crossing bearings and or latitude and longitude, be able to plot a position on a chart.
- Be able to determine the correct compass course to steer between two points allowing for leeway and tidal currents.
- Using a tide table, be able to determine the time of high and low water for a standard port.
- For a position on the coast or in a channel adjacent to a primary port, be able to estimate the time and direction of maximum and minimum tidal flow.
Method of assessment
Candidates undertaking this assessment will be required to demonstrate their knowledge of the above section by way of a written or oral assessment using assessment papers and guidelines issued by the IYSA for this purpose.
Direct assessment for inland endorsement
The following test applies only to people who wish to obtain an IYSA for inland use.
A person must:
- Be able to identify where to obtain information on CEVNI.
- Be able to identify the navigation lights and shapes to be shown on their own vessel.
- Be able to identify the following from the lights displayed at night:
- power driver vessel, sailing vessel, Vessel at anchor, tug and tow, fishing vessel, vessel restricted in its ability to manoeuver.
- Be able to identify the following from the daymarks displayed during the day:
- Stationary vessel (made fast to the bank, at anchor or grounded), vessel with limited manoeuverability, tug and tow, vessel having priority.
- Be able to identify the the following sound signals:
- I wish to overtake to port / starboard, I accept, I do not accept, I will overtake on other side to that initially requested, It is unsafe to overtake.
- Be able to identify the principal signs used in the CEVNI system.
- Be able to identify, and describe the significance of, the bouys and landmarks of the CEVNI system.
- Be able to orientate a chart or map and describe how your position and direction of travel may be established using navigation or other features.
Method of assessment
Candidates undertaking this assessment will be required to demonstrate their knowledge of the above section by way of a written or oral assessment using assessment papers and guidelines issued by the ISA for this purpose.
Direct Assessment of Boat Handling Skills.
The following assessments apply to people who do not hold one of the IYSA certificates of competency.
Section 1 (Tasks to be completed under power by all craft)
The candidate must at all times during the assessment;
- Demonstrate an awareness of other water users.
- Use a safe and appropriate speed.
- Keep a proper and effective look out.
The candidate must:
- Give a safety briefing including use of safety equipment including lifejackets.
- Describe how the forecast weather is likely to affect the conditions afloat.
- Conduct appropriate pre-start checks on the engine(s)
- Start engine and conduct appropriate post start checks.
- Be able to correctly identify the range of the boat with fuel aboard.
Depart from pier or pontoon
- The candidate must be able to describe how to use springs to depart from a lee berth.
- The candidate must safely manoeuvre the boat from its berth. While doing so they must;
- Communicate effectively with the crew.
- Use fenders correctly.
Turning the boat in a confined space
The candidate must turn the boat though 360° in a confined space. While doing so they must:
- Demonstrate effective use of forward and reverse gears and rudder positions.
- Remain in full control of the boat at all times.
Pick up a mooring
The candidate must pick up a floating mooring buoy. While doing so they must;
- Communicate effectively with the crew.
- Ensure appropriate preparations are made.
- Use the correct angle and speed of approach
- Ensure the boat is adequately secured to the buoy.
- Depart the mooring in a safe and efficient manner.
Pick up a Man Overboard
The candidate must pick up a Man Overboard dummy. While doing so they must;
- Communicate effectively with the crew and MOB.
- Ensure visual contact with the MOB is maintained.
- Use the correct angle and speed of approach.
- Make suitable contact with the MOB.
- Recover the MOB into / onto the boat.
- Describe appropriate care of recovered MOB.
Anchor the boat
The candidate must anchor the boat. While doing so they must;
- Communicate effectively with the crew.
- Ensure appropriate preparations are made.
- Use the correct angle and speed of approach
- Set the anchor.
- Raise the anchor and depart the anchorage in a safe and efficient manner.
Come In and Out alongside and astern to a pier or pontoon
The candidate must come alongside a pier or pontoon. While doing so they must;
- Choose an appropriate berth.
- Communicate effectively with the crew.
- Ensure appropriate warps & fenders are prepared.
- Use the correct angle and speed of approach.
- Use fenders correctly.
- Ensure the boat is adequately secured to pier or pontoon.
- Stop the engine.
Section 2 (Tasks to be completed under sail by sailing boats only)
Sail a triangular cours
The candidate must sail the boat around a triangular course that has one leg to windward. While doing so they must;
- Raise and lower the sails safely and effectively.
- Choose sails / sail area appropriate to the conditions.
- Demonstrate awareness of wind direction.
- Trim the sails correctly on each point of sailing.
- Demonstrate awareness of other water users.
- Communicate effectively with the crew.
- Maintain an effective lookout through all manoeuvres.
Section 3 (Tasks to be completed under motor by high-speed motor boats only)
High speed manoeuvres
The candidate must complete a series of S and U turns while at speed.
While doing so they must;
- Use a kill-cord if appropriate.
- Choose a suitable area for the manoeuvres.
- Demonstrate awareness of other water users.
- Communicate effectively with the crew.
- Maintain an effective lookout through all manoeuvres.
Section 4.
In addition to the above, candidates undertaking this assessment will be required to demonstrate their knowledge of the above section by way of an written or oral assessment using assessment papers and guidelines issued by the IYSA for this purpose
A person must;
- Be able to describe how to determine if two vessels are on converging courses.
- Be able to correctly identify who has priority when two vessels meet and describe correct action by both “stand on” and “give way” vessels.
- Be able to identify manoeuvering signals (1,2,3 & 5 short blasts)
- Be able to describe how to use and identify visual distress signals.
- Be able to obtain a weather forecast.
- Be able to identify the principal causes of fire on board a boat and describe how best to avoid them.
- Be able to identify those types of extinguisher suitable for use on board a boat and describe how to use them in fighting an on-board fire.
- Be able to describe action to be taken is case of collision, engine failure, grounding and holing.
- Be able to identify the most likely causes for marine pollution from their boating activities and how to avoid them