Certificate verification issue fixed
Fixed a system error in the certificate verification code. All certificates issued from May 1, 2022 to July 10, 2022 will be changed and sent to the owners as soon as possible. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
If you are the owner of the IYSA certificate and got it on the indicated dates, please contact our office by e-mail. Your certificate will be verified, reissued and sent to you at the address you provided.
Ispravljena je sistemska greška u kodu za provjeru certifikata. Svi certifikati izdani od 1. svibnja 2022. do 10. srpnja 2022. bit će promijenjeni i poslani vlasnicima u najkraćem mogućem roku. Ispričavamo se zbog mogućih neugodnosti.
Ukoliko ste vlasnik IYSA certifikata i isti ste dobili na naznačene datume, obratite se našem uredu e-mailom. Vaš certifikat će biti verificiran, ponovno izdan i poslan na adresu koju ste naveli.
For full information please contact us to email.